Year Name Title 1949 Cohen, Louis D. Level of Aspiration Behavior in Certain Psychosomatic Disorders 1949 Roseman, Morris An Analysis of Differences in Closure Behavior Between Normal and Neuropsychiatric Subjects 1948 Bevan, William Jr. The Influence of Figural After-Effects upon Visual Intensity Thresholds 1947 Stainbrook, Edward J. A Study of the Effects of Various Kinds of Induced Convulsive Reactions upon the General and Maze Behavior of the Rat 1947 Smith, Burke M. Effects of Sodium Amytal on Visual Perception of Forms at the Limen 1946 McAndrew, Florence H. The Relation of Some Physical Factors to Rigidity 1946 Salomon, Anna D. A Quantitative Investigation of the Effects of Certain Visual Field Factors upon the Perception of Direction 1945 Luborsky, Lester B. Some Factors Involved in Short Exposure Visual Perception with Special Reference to Aircraft Recognition Training 1943 Koch, Sigmund Spontaneous Fixation in Rats 1941 Bennett, Georgie B. Structural Factors Affecting the Substitute Value of Activities in Normal and Schizophrenic Persons 1941 Stuart, Charles E. An Analysis to Determine a Test Predictive of Extra-Chance Scoring in Card-Calling Tests 1941 Woodruff, Joseph L, The Effects of Certain Factors on Visual Form Discrimination at Near-liminal Levels 1941 Zirkle, George A. An Experimental Study of Success and Failure in Serial Learning