To see courses offered during a specific semester, please visit DukeHub and select “Class Search”. Select from the following menus to filter the table. Course Type - Any -DiscussionIndependent StudyInternshipLaboratoryLectureLecture/LabPracticumSeminarTransfer Course Typically Offered - Any -Fall and/or SpringFall OnlyOccasionallySpring Only Apply Number Title Codes PSY 11 Introductory Psychology PSY 87 SPIRE First Year Lecture PSY 89S First-Year Seminar PSY 91 General Psychology NS, SS PSY 101 Introductory Psychology STS, NS, SS PSY 102 Cognitive Psychology: Introduction and Survey NS, SS PSY 102D Cognitive Psychology: Introduction and Survey NS, SS PSY 103 Developmental Psychology: Introduction and Survey SS PSY 103D Developmental Psychology: Introduction and Survey SS PSY 104 Social Psychology SS PSY 104CN Social Psychology PSY 105D Clinical Psychology and Mental Health SS PSY 106D Biological Bases of Behavior: Introduction and Survey STS, NS PSY 107 Biological Bases of Behavior (Team-Based Learning) NS PSY 113L Computing and the Brain NS, QS PSY 114CN Innovation Creativity & Entrepreneurial Mindset PSY 120CN Educational Psychology PSY 121FS Sleep in Society: History, Culture, and Medicine CCI, SS PSY 128 Black Psychology PSY 140CN Neuroscience and Education: Understanding the Learning Brain PSY 141 Fundamentals of Decision Science SS PSY 190 Psychology Special Topic-Lecture PSY 190FS Focus - Special Topics Seminars PSY 190S Psychology Special Topic Seminar PSY 190SA Duke Administered Study Abroad: Special Topics in Psychology PSY 195FS Intersections of the Sexual Brain CCI, STS, CZ, NS PSY 196FS Patient and Research Participant Activism and Advocacy STS, W, SS PSY 197FS Addiction and Substance Abuse: Global Health Perspectives EI, NS, SS PSY 203 Practicum PSY 204L Quantitative Research Methods and Statistics for Psychological Science 1 R, QS, SS PSY 205L Quantitative Research Methods and Statistics for Psychological Science 2 R, W, SS PSY 206L Introduction to Systems Neuroscience PSY 207 Child Clinical Psychology SS PSY 209 Stress and Coping SS PSY 213 Advanced Abnormal Psychology R, NS, SS PSY 214 Exercise and Mental Health NS PSY 215FS The Psychology of Crime: Scientific and Public Perspectives EI, SS PSY 216S Science of Happiness EI, SS PSY 217 Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience NS PSY 217D Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience NS PSY 218 Innovation Creativity & Entrepreneurial Mindset PSY 220 The Psychology of Gender CCI, SS PSY 221 Personality SS PSY 222 Motivation Theories and Applications in Psychology SS PSY 223 The Self and Social Identities CCI, W, SS PSY 224S Beyond Reason: Empathy and Identity PSY 225D Political Psychology CCI, SS PSY 226 Sex/Gender - Nature/Nurture: Intersections of Biology and Society STS, NS PSY 227 Leadership and Collaboration CCI, EI, SS PSY 228 Black Psychology PSY 232A The Return of the Collective (Psychosocial Approach Contemporary Spain) Theatre, Culture, & Identity FL, ALP PSY 239 Adolescence SS PSY 239-1 Adolescence SS PSY 240 Educational Psychology CCI, EI, SS PSY 240-1 Educational Psychology CCI, EI, SS PSY 240S Educational Psychology CCI, EI, SS PSY 241S Asian American & Diaspora Psychology: Mental Health, Microaggressions, and the Model Minority Myth CCI, EI, SS PSY 245D Introduction to Cultural Psychology CCI, SS PSY 250 Myths and Mysteries of Memory STS, SS PSY 253 Philosophy and Neuroscience SS PSY 254S Intro to Psychoanalytic Theory ALP PSY 255 Human Cognitive Evolution NS, SS PSY 256 Psychology of Language R, SS PSY 256-2 Psychology of Language R, W, SS PSY 258 Decision Neuroscience STS, NS, SS PSY 267 From Madness to Mental Disorders: Sociology of Mental Health CCI, EI, SS PSY 267S Culture and Mental Health CCI, STS, SS PSY 273 Behavior and Neurochemistry NS PSY 274 Drugs, Brain, and Behavior NS PSY 275 Fundamentals of Neuroscience STS, NS PSY 276 Brain and Behavior: Translating Neuroscience NS PSY 277 Looking Inside the Disordered Brain NS PSY 278 Neuroethics EI, STS, NS, SS PSY 280S Social and Affective Neuroscience CCI, NS, SS PSY 282 Neuroscience of Movement and Athletic Performance NS PSY 283S Breakdown: Madness, Self, Fiction CCI, ALP PSY 288S Music as Biology NS PSY 290 Special Topics in Psychology - Lecture PSY 290A Duke Administered Study Abroad: Special Topics in Psychology PSY 290S Special Topics in Psychology - Seminar PSY 302L Brain Waves and Cognition R, W, NS PSY 303L Functional Neuroimaging R, NS PSY 305 Research Methods in Social Psychology R, W, SS PSY 309 Research Methods in Global Health R, SS PSY 309D Research Methods in Global Health R, SS PSY 313 Contemporary Neuroscience Methods NS PSY 319S DukeLine Peer Health Coaching PSY 320 Approaches to Psychotherapy EI, SS PSY 321S Personality and Individual Differences STS, SS PSY 323 Fundamentals of Global Mental Health R, SS PSY 324S Motivation Science in Social Psychology SS PSY 325 Social Development from Childhood to Early Adulthood CCI, R, SS PSY 326S Reason and Passion in Politics SS PSY 330S Develop Your Life: A Human Development and Human-Centered Design Approach CCI, SS PSY 334 Cognitive Development STS, NS, SS PSY 335S Moral Development CCI, EI, SS PSY 340S Psychology of Cooperation PSY 353S Neuroplasticity and Disease: Molecules, Cells, and Circuits W, NS PSY 354A History of Psychology in France and Europe FL, SS PSY 355S Visual Perception and the Brain W, NS PSY 356S Educational Neuroscience SS PSY 362S Psychedelics and Other Illegal Psychoactive Drugs as Medicines STS, NS PSY 368 Behavioral Finance: A Taxonomy of Money Mistakes SS PSY 368A Behavioral Finance: A Taxonomy of Money Mistakes SS PSY 373 Behavioral Neuroimmunology: Brain and Behavior in Health and Disease NS PSY 375L Functional Anatomy of the Human Brain STS, NS PSY 376S Behavioral Neuroendocrinology W, NS PSY 378L Perception and the Brain R, W, NS PSY 379L Comparative Neuroanatomy NS PSY 390 Special Topics in Psychology - Lecture PSY 390S Special Topics in Psychology PSY 390SA Duke Administered Study Abroad: Special Topics in Psychology PSY 391 Independent Study PSY 392 Independent Study PSY 393 Research Independent Study R PSY 394 Research Independent Study R PSY 404S Trauma Across the Lifespan: Developmental Contexts and Clinical Implications of Trauma SS PSY 405S Great Ideas in Psychology R, SS PSY 411S Disorders of Anxiety SS PSY 412S Clinical Interventions: Treating Emotion Dysregulation and Impulsivity Using DBT SS PSY 425 The Psychology of Consumers EI, SS PSY 427 Current Topics in Sensory Biology PSY 427S Current Topics in Sensory Biology NS PSY 434S Intervention Research in Psychological Science R, SS PSY 435S The Role of Race and Culture on Development CCI, EI, SS PSY 436S Clinical Interventions with Children and Families W, SS PSY 438S Children's Peer Relations SS PSY 440S Prejudice & Stereotyping R, STS, SS PSY 444S Neuroscience Service Learning: Brain Connections STS, NS, SS PSY 450S The Psychology of Trauma and Memory R, STS, NS, SS PSY 451S Autobiographical Memory R, NS, SS PSY 453S Mind Wandering and Inattention SS PSY 461S Neurobiology of Learning and Memory NS PSY 463 Behavioral Economics QS, SS PSY 465S Advanced Cultural Psychology: Culture in the Mind, Brain and Behavior CCI, NS, SS PSY 469S Cognitive Control and the Prefrontral Cortex R, W, NS PSY 470S Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory NS PSY 472S Everyday Cognition SS PSY 474S Biological Psychology of Human Development R, W, SS PSY 477S Biology of Nervous System Diseases NS PSY 478S Motivation, Action, Choice: Neural and Behavioral Mechanisms W, NS PSY 479S Auditory Neuroscience - From Sound to Music NS PSY 482S Psychology of Imagination W, SS PSY 490A Duke Administered Study Abroad: Special Topics in Psychology PSY 490S Special Topics in Psychology PSY 491 Independent Study PSY 492 Independent Study PSY 493 Research Independent Study R PSY 494 Research Independent Study R PSY 496 Distinction Thesis Workshop W PSY 499 Current Research in Neuroscience EI, R, W, NS PSY 500S The Cinematic Depiction of Psychopathology ALP, NS PSY 510S Developmental Psychopathology EI, R, STS, SS PSY 561S Evolution, Cognition, and Society STS, NS PSY 575 Brain and Language R, NS PSY 590 Special Topics in Psychology PSY 601S Psychology Teaching Seminar SS PSY 603S Teachers as Scientists: Psychological Research in the Classroom EI, R, STS, SS PSY 610S The Psychology of Mindfulness Meditation: Theory, Research, and Practice CCI, NS, SS PSY 611 Global Mental Health CCI, R, STS, NS, SS PSY 613S Clinical Interventions: Treating Emotion Dysregulation and Impulsivity Using DBT SS PSY 625S Motives, Goals, and Social Behavior SS PSY 650S History of Mental Illness CCI, STS, CZ PSY 671S Nature and Treatment of Eating Disorders Across the Lifespan R, SS PSY 686S Principles of Neuroimmunology NS PSY 705 Adult Psychopathology PSY 706S Advanced Cultural Psychology: Culture in the Mind, Brain and Behavior PSY 707 Models of Intervention and Prevention PSY 710 Diversity and Mental Health: Issues in Theory, Treatment, and Research PSY 711S Social Behavior and Personality PSY 712S Clinical Interventions: Treating Emotion Dysregulation and Impulsivity Using DBT PSY 715 Seminar in Consumer Behavior PSY 716S Behavioral Decision Theory PSY 717 Political Psychology (A) PSY 718S Research Design PSY 719 Behavioral Research Methods PSY 720 Applied Multivariate Statistics PSY 723S Survey of Current Topics in Psychology and Neuroscience I PSY 724S Survey of Current Topics in Psychology and Neuroscience II PSY 727S Theories of Developmental Psychology PSY 729S The Minds of Children PSY 730S Foundations of Cognitive Psychology PSY 735 Personality Assessment PSY 737S Language Development PSY 738S Children's Peer Relations PSY 739 Ethical Issues in Research and Clinical Practice PSY 740S Psychology of Cooperation PSY 741 Internship PSY 743 Clinical Practicum PSY 744 Clinical Practicum PSY 745S Teaching Practicum PSY 746S Teaching Practicum PSY 748 Child/Adolescent Psychotherapy PSY 753S Mind Wandering and Inattention PSY 754S Cognitive Assessment PSY 755 Research Practicum PSY 756 Research Practicum PSY 757S Cognitive Neuroscience Colloquia PSY 758S Cognitive Neuroscience Colloquia PSY 759S Principles in Cognitive Neuroscience I PSY 760S Principles in Cognitive Neuroscience II PSY 762 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging PSY 763S Psychology and Neuroscience First Year Seminar I PSY 764S Psychology and Neuroscience First Year Seminar II PSY 765S Psychology and Neuroscience Grant Writing PSY 766 Data Analysis for Experiments PSY 767 Applied Linear Modeling and Regression Analysis PSY 768 Applied Structural Equation Modeling PSY 769S Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis (G) PSY 772S Everyday Cognition PSY 773S Reward and the Brain PSY 780S Foundations of Behavioral and Computational Neuroscience PSY 782S Psychology of Imagination PSY 795S Research Development in Psychological Science PSY 797 Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology PSY 798 Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology PSY 890S Special Topics in Psychology PSY 950S Neurophilosophy PSY 990 Special Readings in Psychology