Year Name Title 2017 Alonso-Marsden, Shelley Teacher Decision-Making about Student Mental Health: The Role of Race and Gender 2017 Black-Maier, Allison Understanding How Knowledge Fluctuates in Accessibility 2017 Capestany, Beatrice The Use of Neuroscience for Mitigation During Sentencing in Non-Capital Cases 2017 Duffy, Korrina Building Affiliation With Behavioral Mimicry: Personality Factors, Physiological Consequences, and Neural Mechanisms 2017 George, Madeleine Does Virtual Communication with Parents Help Students Recover from Daily Stressors?: Daily and Experimental Tests with First Year College Students 2017 Lattaner, Micah Stigma, Avoidant-Orientation, and Self-Disclosure in Friendships 2017 Li, Rosa Decision-making Across Development: The Impact of Ambiguity and Social Context 2017 Lucca, Kelsey Developmental and Evolutionary Origins of Language: Insights from the Study of Pointing and Gaze in Infants, Bonobos, and Chimpanzees 2017 Martin, Julie The relative importance of perceived acceptance versus perceived status for emotional outcomes and self-esteem 2017 Utevsky, Amanda Social Decision-Making in the Primate Brain 2017 Winkle, Jonathan The Cognitive Mechanisms of Value-Based Choice 2016 Adamo, Stephen Grabbing Your Attention: The Impact of Finding a First target in Multiple-Target Search 2016 Barger, Michael Do the Messages Matter? An Investigation of Classroom Messages and College Students’ Personal Theories about Education 2016 Barter, Joesph The Role of the Substantia Nigra in Goal Directed Behavior 2016 Buck, Pamela Expanding mental health services delivery for depression in the community from Burma in North Carolina: A Paraprofessional Training Program 2016 Clement, Nathaniel Modulation of Active Exploratory Behaviors in Humans 2016 Deffler, Samantha Identity Change Impacts Autobiographical Reconstruction of Identity-Relevant Events: Influences of the Self-System on Remembering 2016 Detloff, Allison Individual Differences in the Neural Response to Personal Goal Pursuit Success and Failure: A Developmental Analysis 2016 Diebels, Kathryn Psychological and Interpersonal Implications of Believing that Everything is One: Identity, Personality, Values, and Worldviews 2016 Dowd, Emma Wu Memory-Based Attentional Guidance: A Window to the Relationship between Working Memory and Attention 2016 Drabkin, Anya Evaluating the Impact of the Positive Choices Intervention on Substance Use, Psychological, and Care Engagement Outcomes Relevant to Current National HIV Prevention Goals 2016 Epstein, Dawn The Role of Home Practice Engagement in a Mindfulness-Based Intervention 2016 Goetz Davis, Elana COMT Genotype and Self-Regulation Interactions: Pathways to Psychological Vulnerability 2016 Gruters, Kurtis Non-auditory Influences on the Auditory Periphery 2016 Hall, Shana The Neural Basis of Involuntary Episodic Memories 2016 Iyengar, Vijeth Contributions Of the Human Medial Prefrontal Cortex To Associative Recognition Memory: Evidence From Functional Neuroimaging 2016 Johnson, Kristin A Longitudinal Investigation of Infant Gesture Use and Parent Speech: Unique and Dynamic Influences on Infant Vocabulary Acquisition 2016 Jongman-Sereno, Katrina Determinants and Implications of Self-perceived Authenticity: Beliefs About Authenticity and Reactions to Behavioral Incongruence 2016 Lacagninia, Michael Neuroimmune and developmental mechanisms regulating motivational behaviors for opioids 2016 Lane, Ilana Social-Cognitive Determinants of Success in Online Communities for Weight Management 2016 Lee, Victoria The Role of Social Cognition and Person Perception in Economic Social Decision-Making 2016 Mullet, Hillary Optimizing the Correction of Memory Errors 2016 Pages, Daniel Stimulus Integration and Parsing in the Primate Auditory Midbrain 2016 Park, Su Hean The impact of individual’s self-control beliefs on overcoming temptations 2016 Rainey, Courtnea Interoceptive Contributions to Motivational and Affective Modulators of Memory Formation 2016 Skalski, Linda The Impact of Marijuana Use on Memory in Patients with HIV/AIDS 2016 Stanek, Jessica CircExpectation Modulates Episodic Memory Formation via Dopaminergic Circuitry 2016 Victor, Elizabeth Neural Mechanisms of Young Adult Sexual Decision Making and Risk Behavior 2016 Yin, Bin Contributions of Dorsal/Ventral Hippocampus and Dorsolateral/Dorsomedial Striatum to Interval Timing 2015 Bolton, Jessica Developmental Programming of Brain and Behavior: A Role for the Innate Immune System of the Placenta and Brain? 2015 Edmond, Sara The Influence of Validation of Pain-Related Thoughts and Feelings on Positive and Negative Affect 2015 Gamble, Marissa Neural Mechanisms of Auditory and Visual Search 2015 Gorka, Adam A Novel Experimental Method for Measuring Proactive and Reactive Responses to Threat and an Examination of Their Personality and Neural Correlates 2015 Hopkin, Cameron The Role of Self-Control, Social Support, and Reliance on Others in the Religiosity-Health Link 2015 Isherwood, Jenninder Licensing in the Eating Domain: Implications for Effective Self-Control Maintenance 2015 Kiyonaga, Anastasia When Working Memory and Attention Compete: Characterizing the Dynamic Interdependence between Our Mental Workspace and External Environment 2015 Koenka, Alison Grade Expectations: An Investigation of Performance Feedback, Classroom Goal Structures, and the Motivational Consequences of their Dynamic Interplay 2015 Kragel, Phil The Representation of Emotion in Autonomic and Central Nervous System Activity 2015 MacInnes, Jeffrey Cognitive Neurostimulation: Learning to Volitionally Invigorate Mesolimbic Reward Network Activation 2015 Mann, Heather An Honest Dissertation: Exploring the Roles of Culture and Character in Shaping Individual Dishonesty 2015 Putlin, Dimitri The Golden Rule Ethic, its Measurement, and Relationships with Well-Being and Prosocial Values Across Four Religions in India 2015 Rossi, Mark Basal Ganglia Regulation of Motivated Behaviors 2015 Sanchez, Amy Cultural Values, Coping Strategies, and HIV Risk Behaviors in African-American and Hispanic Adolescents 2015 Starr, Ariel From Magnitudes to Math: Developmental Precursors of Quantitative Reasoning 2015 Wigdor, Alissa A Friend in Need: The Influence of Friendship on the Psychosocial Adjustment of Youth with Chronic Health Conditions 2015 Wilson, Sarah Psychological Sequelae of Obstetric Fistula in Tanzanian Women 2015 Wing, Erik Encoding-Retrieval Relationships in Episodic Memory: A Functional Neuroimaging Perspective 2015 Wren, Ana Vanessa Investigating the Efficacy of a Lovingkindness Meditation Intervention for Patients Undergoing Breast Cancer Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study 2014 Allen, Taryn Quality of Life and Neurocognitive Functioning in Children with Sickle Cell Disease: Investigating the Feasibility of a Computerized Cognitive Training Program 2014 Barnard, Laura Exploring Shame and Guilt When it Matters Most: How our Reactions to Personally Relevant Transgressions Relate to Well-being or Distress 2014 Blomquist, Katrina Poetzl Jealousy in Close Relationships Among Emerging Adults 2914 Clark, Kait Variation in Visual Search Abilities and Performance 2014 Coutlee, Chris The Hierarchical Organization of Impulse Control: Implications for Decision Making 2014 Hersh, Jacqueline Can Computers Assist Treatment? Virtual Reality as a Possible Cue Exposure Technique with Adolescent Substance Abusers 2014 Jiang, Jiefeng A Bayesian Model of Cognitive Control 2014 Gu, Bon-Mi Oscillatory Mechanisms Supporting Interval Timing in Cortical-Striatal Circuits 2014 Hersh, Jacqueline Can Computers Assist Treatment? Virtual Reality as a Possible Cue Exposure Technique With Adolescent Substance Abusers 2014 Lake, Jessica Emotional Modulation of Time Perception 2014 Martinez, Erin Postoperative Depression, Eating Behaviors, and Physical Activity as Indicators of Weight Loss in Gastric Bypass Patients 2014 Moskovich, Ashley Maladaptive Rule-governed Behavior in Anorexia Nervosa: The need for Certainty and Control 2014 Nikolova, Yuliya Individual Differences in Neural Reward and Threat Processing: Identifying Pathways of Risk and Resilience for Psychopathology 2014 San Martin Ulloa, Rene Attentional Biases in Value-Based Decision-Making 2014 Tognoni, Tina Neuronal Survival of the Fittest: The Importance of Aerobic Capacity in Exercise-Induced Neurogenesis and Cognition 2014 Umanath, Sharda Age Differences in Suggestibility Following Semantic Illusions: The Role of Prior Knowledge 2014 Williamson, Lauren Neuroimmune Signaling in the Hippocampus: Mechanisms of Risk and Resilience 2014 Winecoff, Amy Domain-General Affect: Neural Mechanisms and Clinical Implications 2013 Davisson, Erin Strengthening Self-Control by Practicing Inhibition and Initiation 2013 Dent, Amy The Relation Between Self-Regulation and Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis Exploring Variation in the Way Constructs are Labeled, Defined, and Measured 2013 Golonka, Megan Keeping in Touch: Relationships between Parenting Style, Parent-Child Electronic Communication, and the Developing Autonomy and Adjustment of College Students 2013 Keng, Shian-Ling A Laboratory Investigation of Mindfulness and Reappraisal As Emotion Regulation Strategies 2013 Kutlu, Munir Gunes Attentional Effects on Conditioned Inhibition of Discrete and Contextual Stimuli 2013 McCourt, Sandra The Impact of State Early Childhood Programs and Child Protective Services Policies on Resilience Following Experiences of Child Maltreatment 2013 Reeck, Crystal Affective Modulation of Executive Control 2013 Stanton, Michael Socioeconomic Stress by Dopamine Receptor 2 Gene Interactions in the Development of Obesity 2013 Toner, Kaitlin The Effects of Matching Post-transgression Accounts to Targets' Preferences 2013 Weeks, Molly Gender, Loneliness, and Friendship Satisfaction in Early Adulthood: The Role of Friendship Features and Friendship Expectations 2012 Donnelly, Jacqueline Invalidation, Experiential Avoidance and Child Psychopathology 2012 Dunsmoor, Joseph Neurobehavioral Mechanisms Supporting the Generalization of Learned Fear in Humans 2012 Guadango, Jennifer The Mindful Path to Valued Living: Understanding the Associations Between Mindfulness and Valued Living 2012 Guerry, Whitney Brechwald Peer Influences on Weight-related Behaviors and Attitudes in Adolescence: A Longitudinal Examination of Romantic Partner Effects 2012 Harris, Joseph Visual Object-Catergory Processing with and without Awareness 2012 Jones, Sarah Comparative Studies of Numerical Cognition in Nonhuman Primates: From Numerical Comparison to Arithmetic 2012 Paulsen, David Development of Decision-Making Under Risk 2012 Smith, David Neural Circuitry of Social Valuation 2012 Snyder, Kate Developmental Pathways in Underachievement 2012 Witt, Melissa Anglos' and Latinos' Self-Regulation to Standards for Education and Parenthood 2012 Young, Andrea Socio-cultural Predictors of Parental Help-seeking for Child Psychopathology 2011 Allen, Ashley Understanding the Self-compassionate Mindset in Older Adults 2011 Ben-Eliyahu, Adar The Regulatory Capacities of Motivational Constructs: An examination of Academic Motivation and Self-Regulation Toward Academic Success in Favorite and Least Favorite Classes 2011 Bromell, Lea Neighborhood Influences on Health among Black and White Adults 2011 Cozza, Caroline Does Mindfulness Affect Subsystems of Attention? 2011 Cuper, Prudence Investigating the Effects of Fantasy Proneness and Instructions to Fantasize 2011 Davis, Simon The Science of Senescence: Functional and Structural Factors in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging 2011 Eslick, Andrea The Memorial Consequences of Retellings and Their Underlying Cognitive Mechanisms: The Role of Selective Rehearsal and Connections to Autobiographical Memory 2011 Franzese, Alexis Do Individual Differences in Authenticity Influence the Magnitude and Affective Consequences of Self-Discrepancies? 2011 Guo, Jia What do we know about joint attention in shared book reading? An eye-tracking intervention study 2011 Klenk, Megan McCrudden A Longitudinal Examination of Regulatory Focus Theory's Application to Adolescent Psychopathology 2011 Lacy, Jenny An Empirical Investigation of Eating Disorders and Difficulties Regulating Emotion: Do Difficulties Vary Based on Symptom Profiles? 2011 Pascoe, Anthony Stereotypes Can Be Learned through Implicit Associations or Explicit Rules 2011 Peairs, Krisen The Social World of Gifted Adolescents: Sociometric Status, Friendship, Social Network Centrality 2011 Ritchey, Maureen The Influence of Emotion on the Neural Correlates of Episodic Memory: Linking Encoding, Consolidation, and Retrieval Processes 2011 Venkatram, Vinod Strategic Variability in Risky Choice: Mechanisms and implications for Neuroanatomy of Cognitive Control 2011 Willard, Victoria Social Functioning in Survivors of Pediatric Caner: A conceptual Model of Assessment