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Course Type - Any -DiscussionIndependent StudyInternshipLaboratoryLectureLecture/LabPracticumSeminarTransfer Course Typically Offered - Any -Fall and/or SpringFall OnlyOccasionallySpring Only Apply Number Title Codes NEUROSCI 89S First-Year Seminar Special Topics NEUROSCI 101D Biological Bases of Behavior: Introduction and Survey STS, NS NEUROSCI 102 Biological Bases of Behavior (Team-Based Learning) NS NEUROSCI 103L Computing and the Brain NS, QS NEUROSCI 104L Interdisciplinary Introduction to Computer Science QS NEUROSCI 115FS Music, Meanings, and the Brain CCI, NS NEUROSCI 116FS Neuroscience and Human Language NS, SS NEUROSCI 120FS Judgment under pressure CCI, SS NEUROSCI 121FS Sleep in Society: History, Culture, and Medicine CCI, SS NEUROSCI 150 Research Practicum NEUROSCI 153FS Drugs and the Law SS NEUROSCI 190FS Focus Program Topics in Neuroscience NEUROSCI 190S Special Topics in Neuroscience NEUROSCI 191FS Intersections of the Sexual Brain CCI, STS, CZ, NS NEUROSCI 201 Fundamentals of Neuroscience STS, NS NEUROSCI 202 Medical Neuroscience: Foundations for the Neurological Sciences NS NEUROSCI 206L Introduction to Systems Neuroscience NEUROSCI 211 Brain and Behavior: Translating Neuroscience NS NEUROSCI 217 Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience NS NEUROSCI 217D Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience NS NEUROSCI 223 Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology NS NEUROSCI 233 Exploring Science and Religion STS, CZ NEUROSCI 237 Religion and Science CCI, STS, CZ NEUROSCI 237S Religion and Science CCI, STS, CZ NEUROSCI 241 Flaubert's Brain: Neurohumanities CCI, STS, ALP NEUROSCI 250 Brains, Everywhere CCI, EI, CZ NEUROSCI 250S Brains, Everywhere CCI, EI, CZ NEUROSCI 252 Philosophy and Neuroscience SS NEUROSCI 258 Decision Neuroscience STS, NS, SS NEUROSCI 260 Human Cognitive Evolution NS, SS NEUROSCI 267 Neuroethics EI, STS, NS, SS NEUROSCI 268 Mechanisms of Animal Behavior NS NEUROSCI 274S Aristotle and Neuroscience CCI, EI, CZ, SS NEUROSCI 277 Looking Inside the Disordered Brain NS NEUROSCI 278 Sex/Gender - Nature/Nurture: Intersections of Biology and Society STS, NS NEUROSCI 282 Neuroscience of Movement and Athletic Performance NS NEUROSCI 288S Music as Biology NS NEUROSCI 289 Music and the Brain ALP, NS NEUROSCI 290 Special Topics in Neuroscience NEUROSCI 290-1 Topics in Literature and Neuroscience NEUROSCI 290A Duke Administered Study Abroad: Special Topics in Neuroscience NEUROSCI 290S Special Topics in Neuroscience NEUROSCI 301L Bioelectricity (AC or GE) NEUROSCI 333S Neuroscience and Nutrition STS, NS NEUROSCI 350 Pharmacology: Drug Actions and Reactions NS NEUROSCI 352S Social and Affective Neuroscience CCI, NS, SS NEUROSCI 353S Neuroplasticity and Disease: Molecules, Cells, and Circuits W, NS NEUROSCI 355S Visual Perception and the Brain W, NS NEUROSCI 356S Educational Neuroscience SS NEUROSCI 360 Drugs, Brain, and Behavior NS NEUROSCI 361S Animal Intelligence and the Social Brain R, NS NEUROSCI 362S Psychedelics and Other Illegal Psychoactive Drugs as Medicines STS, NS NEUROSCI 363 Behavior and Neurochemistry NS NEUROSCI 366S Behavioral Neuroendocrinology W, NS NEUROSCI 373 Behavioral Neuroimmunology: Brain and Behavior in Health and Disease NS NEUROSCI 376 Contemporary Neuroscience Methods NS NEUROSCI 378L Perception and the Brain R, W, NS NEUROSCI 379L Comparative Neuroanatomy NS NEUROSCI 380L Functional Anatomy of the Human Brain STS, NS NEUROSCI 381LA Sensory Physiology and Behavior of Marine Animals R, W, NS NEUROSCI 382L Functional Neuroimaging R, NS NEUROSCI 383L Brain Waves and Cognition R, W, NS NEUROSCI 385L Integrative Neuroscience Laboratory R, W, NS NEUROSCI 388L Experiments in Animal Models of Human Neurodegenerative Disease R, NS NEUROSCI 388LS Experiments in Animal Models of Human Neurodegenerative Disease R, NS NEUROSCI 390 Special Topics in Neuroscience NEUROSCI 390S Special Topics in Neuroscience NEUROSCI 391 Neuroscience Independent Scholarship 1: Advanced Topics NS NEUROSCI 392 Neuroscience Independent Scholarship 2: Advanced Topics NS NEUROSCI 413 Language and Aging NS, SS NEUROSCI 421S Biology of Nervous System Diseases NS NEUROSCI 425S Auditory Neuroscience - From Sound to Music NS NEUROSCI 427S Current Topics in Sensory Biology NS NEUROSCI 428 Chemical Dialogs in Biology NS NEUROSCI 438AS Neuroscience and Multilingualism R, STS, NS NEUROSCI 439S Neuroscience and Multilingualism R, STS, NS NEUROSCI 444S Neuroscience Service Learning: Brain Connections STS, NS, SS NEUROSCI 450 Second Language Acquisition and Research R, NS, SS NEUROSCI 451S Autobiographical Memory R, NS, SS NEUROSCI 461S Neurobiology of Learning and Memory NS NEUROSCI 469S Cognitive Control and the Prefrontral Cortex R, W, NS NEUROSCI 470S Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory NS NEUROSCI 478S Motivation, Action, Choice: Neural and Behavioral Mechanisms W, NS NEUROSCI 490S Special Topics in Neuroscience NEUROSCI 493 Research Independent Study 1 R NEUROSCI 494 Research Independent Study 2 R NEUROSCI 495 Research Independent Study 3 R NEUROSCI 496 Research Independent Study 4 R NEUROSCI 499 Current Research in Neuroscience EI, R, W, NS NEUROSCI 500S The Cinematic Depiction of Psychopathology ALP, NS NEUROSCI 503 Computational Neuroengineering (GE, EL) NEUROSCI 504 Fundamentals of Electrical Stimulation of the Nervous System (EL, GE) NEUROSCI 510 Brain and Language R, NS NEUROSCI 513 Introduction to Neurodynamics (EL, GE) NEUROSCI 515 Neural Prosthetic Systems (GE, EL, IM) NEUROSCI 517 Neuronal Control of Movement (GE, EL) NEUROSCI 518S Natural Neurotoxins: Biology, Physiology and Toxicology NS NEUROSCI 533 Essentials of Pharmacology and Toxicology NEUROSCI 555S Topics in Philosophy of Mind R, STS, W, CZ NEUROSCI 567 Theoretical Neuroscience NS, QS NEUROSCI 590 Special Topics in Neuroscience NEUROSCI 590S Special Topics in Neuroscience NEUROSCI 595 Language, Music and Dementia: Neuroscience Approaches R, NS, SS NEUROSCI 650S History of Mental Illness CCI, STS, CZ NEUROSCI 686S Principles of Neuroimmunology NS NEUROSCI 751 Neuroscience Bootcamp NEUROSCI 755 Interdisciplinary Program in Cognitive Neuroscience (IPCN) Independent Research Rotation NEUROSCI 760L Medical Neuroscience and Clinical Human Neuroanatomy NEUROSCI 773S Reward and the Brain NEUROSCI 780S Foundations of Behavioral and Computational Neuroscience