Year Name Title 2000 Adair, James Biased evaluation of gender role incongruence : bridging role and gender schema theories 2000 Bryant, Thomas The path to wholeness : effective coping strategies of African-American adult survivors of childhood violent experiences 2000 Due, Deborah A study of the physiologic and cognitive contributions of mesocorticolimbic dopamine circuits to stimulus salience detection in smokers 2000 Gullette, Elizabeth C.D. Biopsychosocial Factors and Left Ventricular Mass 1999 Bagwell, Catherine The friendship relations of antisocial boys 1999 Buhusi, Catalin Contradictory effects of dopaminergic drugs on latent inhibition : from computational hypothesis to experimental test 1999 Collado, Shirley The perceived racism scale for Latina/os : a multidimensional assessment of the experience of racism among Latina/os 1999 Egert, Jennifer Psychological well-being following breast cancer treatment 1999 Glodis, Kimberly 1999 Huettel, Scott Structural effects upon classification 1998 Berger, Allison Post-traumatic themes and symptoms in formerly battered women 1998 Brownlow, Brenda The relationship between objectification, body image disturbances, and disordered eating : investigating race, socioeconomic status, acculturation and self-objectification as mediators 1998 Cavigelli, Sonia Fecal cortisol levels relative to behavior in a free-ranging primate : adaptive aspects of a glucocorticoid hormone 1998 Cleaveland, John Mark Stimulus properties of the response during matching-to-sample tasks in pigeons and budgerigars 1998 Crowther, Martha Compensatory grandparenting : raising another generation 1997 Dragoi, Valentin The dynamics of operant conditioning : theory and experiments ; Context-dependent form perception : theory and psychophysics 1997 Grant, Merida Depression in a medically ill population : an examination of functioning and health care use 1996 Burnett, Rachel Gendered objectification experiences : construct validity, implications for dysphoria and depression, and phenomenology 1996 Byerly, W. Boyce Knowledge structures and how they got that way : internal and external representation in human cognition 1996 Clark, Rodney Skin tone, coping, and cardiovascular responses to ethnically-relevant stimuli 1996 Greenberg, Michael AIDS, experimental drug approval, and the FDA new drug screening process : a legal research guide 1996 Grimes, Christina Intergenerational influences in sibling relationships : cognitive representations and parenting behavior as pathways of influence 1996 Van Horn, Yolanda The Relationhip of Academic Self-Efficacy and Ethnic Socialization to Mental Health Outcomes in Adolesecents 1995 Carlsobn, Michelle impact of past mild head injury on attention 1995 Efron, Lisa Linkages between parents’ childhood relationships with their parents and peers, parents’ relatio 1995 Wilson, John Seddon Attention, Attachment and Motivation in Schizotypy: A Review and Extension of Research with the Continuous Performance Test 1994 Braun, Kelly A Retrieval Model of the Spacing Effect 1994 DeRosa, Ruth Reed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Subjective Experience of Disaster: The Hamlet Fire 1994 Dunsmore, Julie Cathleen Maternal Emotion and Use of Control: Gender-Specific Pathways to Chilren's Self-Schematization 1994 Efron, Lisa Allison Linkages between parents' Childhood Relationship with Their Parents, Parents' Relationship With Their children, and Children's Peer Relationships 1994 Hubbard, Julie Emotion Expression in Children's Peer Interaction 1994 Klein, Tovah Patricia Intergenerational Mechanisms of Transmission: Parental Social Framing and Social Construciton as Pathways of Influence on Children's Quality of Friendship and Social Satisfaction 1994 Ilardi, Stephen Scott Personality Disorder, Dysfunctional Cognition and Depression: An Empirical Analysis of their Interrelationship 1994 Murphy, Laura Bennett A Study of Disease Effects and Adapational Processes on the Adjustment of Chronically Ill Adolescents 1994 Sanislow, Charles Andrew Bridging Sociotropy and Autonomy with Dependency and Self Criticism: Structural Analysis of Interpersonal Perception 1994 Watson, Maria Object and Spatial Subsystems in Mental Imagery: Behavioral Investigations 1994 Zakriski, Audrey Lynn The Difficulties Aggressive Rejected Children Have Reading the Cues of Social Rejection: A cross-Situational Analysis 1993 Belding, Mark A. An Analysis of Stages and Processes of Change among Opioid Addicts in Methadone Maintenance Treatment 1993 Machado, Armando Behavioral Variability and Frequency-Dependent Selection: laboratory Studies with pigeons (Columba livia) 1993 McMillan, Donna Karen Sleep in Adolescent Depression: A Controlled Study of Characteristics of Adolescent Depression Associated with Depressive Polysomnographic Features 1993 Newman, Elana The Process of Recovery in Adult Female Survivors of childhood Sexual Abuse: Schema, Affect, and Sympton Change 1993 Schoenwald, Sonja Katharina Aggressive Boys and Their Siblings: An Investigation of Similarities and Differences in Family Experiences 1993 Vance, Charles Rainey The Acquisition of Event Knowledge: The Roles of Causality, Goal-Awareness, and Familiarity 1993 Woolsey, Mary Lord Social Responsibility as a Topic for Psychological Research, 1971-1991 1992 Apter, Andrew A Hole in the Mirror: The Experimental and Phenomenological Psychopathology of Psychogenic Depersonalization 1992 Bates, Susan Schneider Predictors of Suicidal Behavior in a Longitudinal Sample of School-Aged Chilren with Depressive Disorders 1992 Connelly, Susan Lisa Aging and the Inhibition of Spatial Location 1992 Didow, Sharon Achieving Verbal Discourse Through Nonverbal Coordinated Action 1992 Housewoeth, Stephen John Interpersonally Perceived Threat: Psychological and Cardiovascular Concomitants of Vocally Expressed Anger, Hostility, and Aggression 1992 Nielsen, Kirsten Cognitive Constraints and Situational Facotrs Affecting Speech and Writing 1992 Reinhold, Dana Powers Attribution and Affect in the Parent-Child Context of Childhood Aggression 1992 Stolzfus, Ellen Aging and Breadth of Availability During Language Processing 1992 Ulmer, Ross Lynn Traumatic Antecedents of Personality Disorders in a Psychiatric Inpatient Population 1992 Veith, Amanda Hanrahan How Parents and Infancy Experts Perceive Newborn Infant Behavior 1992 Warwick, Zoe Palatability and Nutrient Effects on Postprandial Hunger, Metabolish, Chemosensory Perception and Food Intake in Human 1991 Dansky, Bonnie Recovery from Sexual Trauma: The Influence of Coping, Social Support, Affect, and Cognitive Schemata on Psycholicial Well-Being 1991 Davis, Derick G.S. Probabilistic Choice: Empirical Studies and mathematical Models 1991 Dunn, Susanne Ellen Exploring the role of Social Support in the Relation Between Peer Socail and Adjustments During the Transition to Middle School 1991 Liles, Andrew Robert The Relationship Betweeen Self-Evaluative Complexity, Attributions,a dn Perceptions of Competence for Achievement Behavior 1991 Kronenberger, William The effects of perceived social, marital, and familial environments on the psychological adjustment of mothers of children with spina bifida 1991 Scott, Paul Selective Breeding for a Measure of Behavioral Depression: Behavioral, Electrophysiological, and Neurochemical Studies 1991 Stout, Julie The Role of the Locas Coeruleus-Noradrenergic System in Anxious Behavior: Behavioral and neurochemical Studies 1991 Swithers Mulvey, Susie Oral Habituation and the Control of Ingestive Behaviors in Rats 1991 Underwood, Marion Kelly Display Rules for Anger and Aggression in School-Aged chilren