Year Name Title 1970 Arend, Lawrence E. Contour Factors in the Broca-Sulzer Phenomenon 1970 Baker, William The Effect of Discrimination Training and Number of Reinforced Stimuli on Stimulus Control in the Pigeon 1970 Cook, David Is Jung's typology true? A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Some Assumptions Implicit in a Theory of Personality Types 1970 Cox, Gary Cognitive Structure: A Comparison of Two Theories and Measures of Integrative Complexity 1970 Falkenberg, Philippe The Influence of Context on Learning and Forgetting in Short-Term Memory 1970 Farley, Gail An Investigation of Death Anxiety and the Sense of Competence 1970 Fox, Mary Internal-External Control and Perceived Ability as Factors in the Attribution of Intent 1970 Goethals, George Consensus and Modality in the Attribution Process: the Role of Similarity and Information 1970 Kaas, Judith The Relationship Between the Electroencephalogram and Reaction Time under Normal and Reduced Oxygen Partial Pressures 1970 Innis, Nancy Temporal Tracking on Cyclic-Interval Reinforcement Schedules 1970 Schiffman, Susan A Psychophysical Gustatory Model 1970 Scott, Thomas Synaptic Processing of Taste-Quality Information in the Thalamus of the Rat 1970 Small, James Auditory-Vocal and Visual-Motor Language Orientations in Elementary School Children 1969 Boyarsky, Rose E. Deficits in Memory for Paired Associates in Older Persons 1969 Cooper, Joel The Role of Personal Responsibilitv in the Arousal of Cognitive Dissonance 1969 Delse, Frederick G. Human Vertex Slow Potential Shifts During Auditory Judgments: Electrical Signs of Change in Set 1969 Ganchrow, Donald Thalamocortical Gustatory Projections in Rat and Marmoset 1969 Ganchrow, Judith J. Neural Coding of Gustatory Intensity in the Chorda Tympani Nerve and Nucleus Tractus Solitarius of the Rat 1969 Harris, Victor A. The Effects of Power Variations on Public Agreement and Private Attitude Change 1969 Hewett, Barbara B. Concept Attainment and Transfer as a Function of Stimulus Structure 1969 Jones, Russell A. Choice, Degree of Dependence, and the Possibilitv of Future Dependence as Detern,inants of Helping Behavior 1969 Killackey, Herbert P. The Function of Striate and Temporal Visual Cortex in the Tree Shrew 1969 Morris, Robert L. Factors Affecting the Maintenance of the Pair Bond in the Blond Ring Dove 1969 Scagnelli, Paul Relationships Among Visual Imagery, Language and Haptics in Spatial Perception 1969 Seder, I. Paul Some Determinants of Attribution of Offensive and Defensive Behavior in a Conflict Situation 1969 Sensenig, John Self Exposure to Information as a Function of Decision Certainty and Direction of Information 1969 Shaver, Kelly G. The Effects of Relevance and Severity on the Attribution of Responsibility for Accidents 1969 Sherwood, David W. The Differential Effects of Assessment Context and Scoring Method on Creatlvitv Performance in Children 1969 Stires, Lloyd K. Leadership Designation and Perceived Abilitv as Determinants of the Tactical Use of Modesty and Self-Enhancement 1968 Burt, Roger An Exploratory Study of Personality Manifestations in Paintings 1968 Heider, John The Flexibility and Reliability of Perceptual/Cognitive Constructs: A Study of Creative States of Awareness 1968 Holland, Morris Channel Capacity and Sequential Effects: The Influence of the Immediate Stimulus History on Recognition Performance 1968 Khokhlov, Nikolai Dimensional Preference and Discriminabilitv in Judgments of Multidimensional Stimuli 1968 Paramesh, C.R. A Cross-Cultural Study of Social Perception 1968 Rees, James Form and Relatedness in Memory for Lists of Words 1968 Riddle, Dorothy The Effects of Verbal Conditioning on Self-Esteem 1968 Ussery, Lon An Experimental Investigation of Learning and Performance in Children with Academic Disabilities 1968 Utley, Margaret Selective Forgetting of Own Hostile Behavior 1968 Wicklund, Robert Regret as a Result of Threat to Decision Freedom 1967 Biller, Henry B. An Exploratory Investigation of Masculine Development in Kindergarten Age Boys 1967 Brigner, Willard Effects of Angular Contours on Simultaneous Brightness Contrast 1967 Doetsch, Gernot S. Processing of Gustatory Information in the Nucleus Tractus Solitarius of the Rat 1967 Feather, Sara The Effect of Facilitatory and Inhibitory Instructions Upon Salivary Conditioning 1967 Hall, William C. An Anatomical and Behavioral Analysis of Visual Cortex in the Hedgehog 1967 Law, James Suppression Theories of Binocular Vision: Analysis and Experimental investigation 1967 Miller, Lyle The Bidimensional Nature of the Galvanic Skin Response 1967 Ominsky, Mark Instructions and Interstimulus Interval in Eyelid Conditioning 1967 Pancoast, David L. Effects of Nondiscrimination Training on Later Discrimination 1967 Posnick, Gregory Differential and Extinctive Inhibition in Classical Eyelid Conditioning 1967 Shows, Derek Psychological Differentiation and the A-B Dimension: A Dyadic Interaction Hypothesis 1967 Snyder, Marvin Neuroanatomical and Behavioral Studies of Vision in the Tree Shrew, Tupaia glis 1967 Spence, Lee Hunter Associative Clustering in Culturally-deprived and non-Culturally Deprived children 1967 Stein, Leonard The Conditioning of Self-Esteem as a Function of Need for Approval 1967 Tripp, Robert A Study of Cardiac Afferent Influence on an Involuntary Motor Behavior: A Determinant of Blinking 1967 Waszak, Michael The Relationship of Slow Potential Shifts to Response Speed and Motivation in Man 1966 Bieler, Steven H. Some Correlates of the Jungian Typology: Personal Style Variables 1966 Jones, Robert G. The Percention of Attitude Under Forced Compliance 1966 Kaas, Jon H. The Role of Auditory Cortex in Selective Listening to One Ear 1966 Marshall, David A. A Comparative Study of Neural Coding in Gustation 1966 Stanfiel, James D. Jungian Typology, Neuroticism, and Field-Denendence 1966 Stern, Harris Animistic Thinking in Children 1966 Ward, William C. Creativity and lmpulsivity in Kindergarten Children 1966 Yarmat, Avrum J. Conditioning of the Galvanic Skin Response and Muscle Action Potentials in Humans as a Function of the Conditioned Stimulus-Unconditioned Stimulus Interval 1965 Feather, Ben W. Human Salivary Conditioning 1965 Fowler, William R. The Interstimulus Interval and Schedule of Reinforcement in Eyelid Conditioning 1965 Grossman, Bruce D. Parental Warmth, Child Dependency and Responsiveness to Social Reinforcement 1965 Holmstrom, Robert Mediated Transfer and Paired Associate Learning 1965 Inglis, Richard The Effects of Personality Similarity on Empathy and Interpersonal Attraction 1965 Lipscomb, D. Barry A Comparative Study of Phenomenal Suppression Patterns in the Tachistoscopic Binocular Rivalry of Chromatic, Achromatic and Contour Stimuli 1965 Lumsden, Ernest A. Characteristics of Spectral Discrimination Gradients 1965 Sandler, David Investigation of a Scale of Thera Deutic Effectiveness: Trust and Suspician in an Experimentally Induced Situation 1965 Shrauger, J. Sidney Cognitive Differentiation and the lmpression-Formation Process 1964 Cole, James Lawrence The Relationship Between Force Gradients and Rate Gradients in Stimulis Generalization 1964 DeNiike, L. Douglas Awareness in Verbal Conditioning: The Assessment of Awareness from Verbal Reports Written by Subjects During Conditioning 1964 Kemp, E. Personality and Behavior in Psychotheraputic Relationships: Correlates of a Scale of Therapeutic Effectiveness 1964 Opton, Edward M., Jr. Electroencaphalographic Correlates of Performance Lapses on an Attention Task in Young and Old Men 1964 Wohlford, Paul F. Determinates of Extension of Personal Time 1963 Behar, Lenore B. The Influence of Cognitive Dissonance on Emotional Behavior 1963 Brockhoff, Lois Ann Generalization, Extinction, and Acquisition of Conditioned Eyelid Responses Following an Increase in the Interstimulus Interval 1963 Daves, Walter F. An Experimental Analysis of Perceptual Discrimination in the Cat: The Effective Properties of Objects and the Discriminatory Behavior of the Animal 1963 Davis, Keith E, Impresssion of Others and Interaction Context as Determinants of Social Interaction and Perception in Two-Person Discussion Groups 1963 Dunham, Frances Y. The Effect of Verbal and Material Flattery on the Performance of Girls Differing in Reported Extent of Material Love-Oriented Discipline 1963 Gergen, Kenneth J. Interaction Goals and Personalistic Feedback as Factors Affecting the Presentation of Self 1963 Katkin, Edward S. The Relationship Between Self-Report and Physiological Indices of Anxiety During Differentially Stressful Conditions 1963 Masterton, R. Bruce The Neural Mechanisms of Sound Localization: The Effect of Auditory Cortex Ablation on the Ability of Cats to Discriminate Binaural Time Disparities 1963 McConnell, Owen L. Perceptual and Verbal Mediation in the Concept Learning of Children 1963 Parton, David A. An Experimental Approach to the Conflict Model of Aggressive Response Strength 1963 Rahman, Syed M, Attractiveness of Goal Objects as a Function of Dissonance Reduction 1963 Turner, Barbara B, The Effects of a Ready Signal Upon Eyelid Conditioning 1962 Canestrari, Robert E. The Relationship of Vigilance to Paced and Self-paced Learning in Young and Elderly Adults 1962 Cooper, G. David Changes in Ego Strength Following Brief Social and Perceptual Deprivation 1962 Denny, J. Peter The Effects of Anxiety and Intelligence Upon Errors in Concept Formation 1962 Dickoff, Hilda Reactions to Evaluations by Another Person as a Function of Self Evaluation and the Interaction Context 1962 Groman, William D. Orientation, Stimulus Pattern, and Head-eye Position as Determinants of Cognitive and Experiential Aspects of Perceived Slant 1962 Leventhal, Gerald S. Reward Magnitude and Liking for Instrumental Activity 1962 Pennypacker, Henry Sutton External Inhibition of the Conditioned Eyelid Reflex 1961 Burstein, Renneth R. The Intensity of the Unconditioned Stimulus and Eyelid Conditioning 1961 Clarke, Alan R. Conformity Behavior of Schizophrenic Subjects to Maternal Figures 1961 Culver, Charles M. The Effect of Cue Valve on Size Estimation in Schizophrenic Subjects 1961 Thomas, David R, Stimulus Generalization and Operant Discrirnination as a Function of Level Motivation