Year Name Title 1980 Anderson, Evan L. Determinants of Gaze Reciprocation and Mutual Gaze in Dyadic First Encounters 1980 Batts, Valerie A. Studies in Interracial and Intraracial Aggression: Implications for Black-White Differences in High Blood Pressure 1980 Bauknight, Stephen Need Patterning in Married Couples: A Social Exchange Analysis 1980 Bond, Charles F. Performance in Public: Drive Theory and Beyond 1980 Buckley, Hendey H. Developmental Changes in the Use of Interpersonal Tactics to Obtain an Object 1980 Capitman, John A. Symbolic Racism Theory Criteria for Individual Differences Measures of Prejudice and the Validity of the Feeling Thermometer 1980 Crain, Steven A Model of Roles and Attributions in Sexual Interactions 1980 Giber, David J. The Psychological Effects of Prison Architecture and Environmental Design 1980 Gregory, John M. Clinical Judgment Research Tasks and the Psychotherapist's Ability to Understand Patients 1980 Holcombe, Virginia The Course and Laminar Origin of Several Descendin.g Tectofugal Pathways in the Grey Squirrel 1980 Kilpatrick-Tabak, Blair S. Helplessness, Hopelessness and the Recovery Process in Psychiatric Patients 1980 King, Michael C. Sequential Effects in the Variabilitv of Magnitude Estimations of Loudness 1980 Lawson, Jasper J. Social Influence, Social Status, and Conformity in Ea:dv Adolescence: An Exploratory lnvestigation 1980 Lumpkin, Susan Sexual Solicitation Behavior in the Female Ring Dove (Streptopelia risoria) 1980 McCumbee, Ellen (Covey) Temporal Neural Coding in Gustation 1980 Orlandi, Mario A. Obesity: Symptom or Disease? The Role of Psychosocial Factors and Stigmatization in Determining Health Beliefs 1980 Quattrone, George Behavioral Consequences of Attributional Bias 1980 Richardson, Rexford Intrapersonal Dimensions of Self-Monitoring Schaefer, Rosalind Maternal Choice of Child-Rearing Strategy and Birth Order of Child 1980 Sprinson, John S. Realism of Adolescent Time Perspective: A Developmental Study 1980 Starling, Donna K. Voluntary Associations and the Psychological Well-Being of Older People 1980 Wheeler, Mary A. Mothers' Speech in Context: Age Changes and Language Lessons 1979 Cook, Judit W. Sex-Role Constraints and Demands on Personal Conversation in Dyads 1979 Crist, William B. Matching Performance and the Similarity Structure of the Stimulus Set 1979 Dorval, Bruce R. The Development of Conversation 1979 Evans, Nancy J. Priming in Semantic Categories: An Evaluation of the Effects of Similarity and Prototypicality 1979 Greenwald, Beatrice Understanding Stereotypes about Sex Differences in Personality: The Importance of Considering the Social Interaction Context 1979 Gunn, William A. Achievement Behavior in Executives: Motivational and Affective Correlates of Expectancies 1979 Horn, Raymond W. Effects of Age and Cuing on Retrieval from Semantic Memory 1979 Hull, Jay G. Cognitive Parameters of Behavior Change 1979 Jones, Doyle R. Auditory Pathways in the Brain Stem of the Tree Shrew (Tupaia glis) 1979 Linville, Patricia W. Dimensional Complexity and Evaluative Extremity: A Cognitive Model Predicting Polarized Evaluations of Outgroup Members 1979 McGehee, Lockie J. The Premature Infant's Interactive Capacity: Its Significance for the Mother-Infant Dyad 1979 Zenone, Patricia G Protection of Genetic Paternity in the Ring Dove (Streotopelia risoria) 1979 Zook, John M. Auditory Pathways in the Brain Stem of the Mustache Bat, Pteronotus p. parnellii 1978 Allen, Theresa O. Internal and External Influences on the Incubation Behavior of Ring Doves (Streptooelia risoria) 1978 Cascione, Rosa Influence of Brain Monoamines on the Courtship Behavior of Male Ring Doves (Streotopelia risoria) 1978 Dodge, Kenneth A. The Role of Social Cognition in the Development of Aggressive Behavior in Children 1978 Gruenewald, Paul J. The Classification of Multidimensional Stimuli 1978 Hillson, Roger The Configural Analysis of Sensory Neural Data 1978 Humphrey, Allen L. Topographic Organization of the Orientation Column System in the Striate Cortex of the Tree Shrew (Tupaia glis) 1978 Lorber, Charles M. Spatial Frequency Analysis in Metacontrast 1978 Matter, Jean Anne An Attributional Analysis of the Effects of Target Status and Presence of Ulterior Motives on Children's Judgments of Two Types of Ingratiating Behavior 1978 Raczkowski, Denis An Anatomical Study of the Tecto-Pulvinar Path in the Prosimian Galago senegalensis 1978 Schroeder, Elissa M. The lnfluence of Self-Monitoring Stvles on Conformity-Related Phenomena 1978 Stagman, Terry Lou Role of Relaxation Procedures in the Svstern.atic Desensitization Treatment of Phobias: An Analogue Study 1978 Woolston, Donald C. An Evaluation of Taste Neuron Response Profile Similarity in the Rat 1977 Albano, Joanne E. The Laminar Organization of Receptive Field Properties in Tree Shrew Superior Colliculus 1977 Bateman, Patrick Sex Differences in Some aspects of Self-Disclosure in Married Couples 1977 Berglas, Steven C. Strategies oi Externalization and Performance: The Facilitative Effect of Disruptive Drugs 1977 Brass, Esther R. An Analysis of Perceptual Styles: Are There Reducers and Augmenters? 1977 Drake, Robert E. Living Preference and Community Tenure 1977 Herman, Steven H. Visual Dream Imagery in Rapid Eve Movements During Sleep 1977 Jay, Jeffrey A. An Investigation of the Structure of Worry 1977 Lhotsky, Jan D. An Examination of the Effects of Paradoxical Sleep Deprivation on Sexual Behavior in Men 1977 Marks, Alan E. Expectations and the Perception of Control 1977 Oliver, Douglas L. Architecture and Connections of the Medial Geniculate Bodv in tbe Tree Shrew, Tuoaia gis 1977 Paige, Barbara K. Sex-Typing in Wives and Husbands as Related to Several Measures of the Marriage Relationship 1977 Pennington, Bruce F. What Piaget's Conservation of Number Task Doesn't Tell Us About a Child's Understanding of Numerical Invariance and Arithmetic 1977 Price, Leonard J. Response Thresholds During Tonic REM, Phasic REM, and NREM-2 Sleep: Evidence of Heterogeneity Within the REM Period 1977 Smyer, Michael A. Differential Usage and Differential Effects of Services for Impaired Elderly 1977 Wolf, Sharon The Effectiveness of Dependence and Consistency as Sources of Minority Influence 1976 Adams, Donald W. A Test of lnteractional Power Theory: The Effects of Sibling-Status upon Dependence, Power, and Influence Success in Sibling Pairs 1976 Archer, Richard L. Reactance as a Result of Repeated Threats and an Intervening Restoration of Attitudinal Freedom 1976 Bruhn, Arnold Rahn Earliest Memories of Being Punished as Predictors of Control Stance 1976 Foster, Robert The Organization of Central Auditory Pathways in a Reptile, Iguana iguana 1976 Lambe, Dean R. Effects of Restricted Stimuli from the Male on Ovarian Activity and Behavior in the Female Ring Dove 1976 Starr, Bettie C. Sensory Superstition on Interval Schedules 1976 Van Buskirk, Richard Odorant Responses in the Rat Gustatory Nucleus of the Solitary Tract Mediated by Trigeminal Afferents 1975 Ferebee, Nancy S. Motivation to Increase Control over an Outcome 1975 George, James M. The Effects of Attitude and Commitment on Retention 1975 Glenn, John Frazier Gastric Modulation of Gustatory Afferent Activity 1975 Kravitz, Frederick Mark Predicting Behavior: An Examination of the Utilities of Trait and Interaction Approaches to Locus of Control 1975 Kronberg, Charles L. Interpersonal Style and Complementary Response Evocation 1975 Lenthall, Gerard The Couple's Marital Pyramid: An Investigation of the Marital Dyad Involving Sibling Configuration Fit and Cognitive Style Role Differentiation for Two Different Educational Levels 1975 Ritchie, Pierre The Effect of the Interviewer's Presentation on Some Schizophrenic Symptomatology 1975 Smith, David E. The Effects of Initial Uncertainty of Self-Knowledge on Responses to Evaluations from Other People 1974 Atencio, Frank W. The Effects of Occipital, Temporal and Parietal Lesions on Visual Discrriminations in a Prosimian Primate, Galago senegalensis 1974 Briggs, Gary G. The Effects of Cerebral Organization on the Control of Fine Movements 1974 Cowgell, Virginia G. Responding to Suicidal Communications 1974 Damgaard, Jacqueline Structured Versus Unstructured Procedures for Training Groups in the Expression of Feeling-Cause Relations 1974 Dean, Larry J. Determinants and Consequences of Subjective Expectations: A Study of Outcome Values, Expectancy, Affect and Defensiveness 1974 Eisenman, Leonard M. Neural Encoding of Sound Location: An Electrophysiological Study in Auditory Corte:,; (AI) of the Cat Using Free Field Stimuli 1974 Grumet, Judy F. Effects of Adult and Peer Sanctions on Children's Attributions of Preference 1974 Johnson, Carl A. The Effects of Personal Control on Stimulus Expectations 1974 McGillis, Daniel B. A Correspondent Inference Theory Analysis of Attitude Attribution 1974 Sattin, Dana B. The Effects of Expectancy and Professional ldentitv upon Attributions of Mental Illness 1974 Snyder, Melvin L. The Field Engulfing Behavior: An Investigation of Attributing Emotional States and Dispositions 1974 Webbink, Patricia G. Eve Contact and Intimacy 1974 Whatley, Judith Lee Consistency and Dependence as Sources of Conformity Influence and the Relation to Psychological Reactance 1973 Bell, Linda Influence of Need to Control on Differences in Attribution of Causality by Actors and Observers 1973 Brantley, Helen A Study of Motoric Variables and Their Relationships with Intellective and Personal Adjustment Characteristics of Children 1973 Brehm, Sharon Developmental Aspects of Objective Self Awareness 1973 Caplan (Mohl), Paula Sex Differences in Determinants of Anti-Social Behavior 1973 Casagrande, Vivien Behavioral Changes Following Ablation of the Superior Colliculus in the Tree Shrew (Tupaia glis) 1973 Cherniack, Saralee Affiliation, Small Group Structure, and accuracy of Person Perception 1973 Davis, J. Michael Socially Induced Flight Reactions in Pigeons 1973 Downing, Jerry Psychological Characteristics of Creative Inspiration and the Ideational Creativity/lntelligence Contrast 1973 Edquist, Manuel lnterpersonal Choice and Social Attraction Among Four Interpersonal Types 1973 Farnill, Douglas Inferential Set and Children's Uses of Intention in Their Social Judgments 1973 Gerdes, John L. Attribution of Responsibility for Failure, Stability of Failure, Achievement Motivation, and HelpSeeking 1973 Keith-Lucas, Timothy Avoidance Learning to Stimulus Objects Presented Following Shock 1973 Kello, John E. Observation of the Behavior of Rats Running to Reward and Nonreward in an Alleyway 1973 Mabli, Jerome The Risky Shift as a Function of Information about Others' Risk Levels 1973 Martinez- Vargas, Christine The Induction of Nest-Building in the Ring Dove (Streptopelia risoria): Hormonal and Social Factors 1973 Proctor, Eugenia C. Autonomic Arousal and Subjective Report of Anxiety and Behavior under Stress 1973 Wager, Earl F. Visual Functions of the Cortex: An Investigation Using the Methods of Behavioral Training and Cortical Ablation in the Grey Squirrel 1973 Wortman, Camille Some Determinants of Perceived Control 1972 Bruce, Richard C. The Role of Attention in Perceptual Asymmetries 1972 Cassel, Thomas Z. Stimulus Representation in the Somesthetic System. Receptive Field Dvnamics, Across Fiber Patterns and Behavior Specialization 1972 Fehrenbach, Paul K. Personality as a Factor in Reported Post-Retirement Anxiety Among Professionals 1972 Fisher, Milton Processing Dichotic Stimuli: Latency Measures versus Order of Report 1972 Gatz, Margaret J. Graphic Representation of Solid Objects in Young Children 1972 Hass, Rolland Glen Resisting Persuasion and Examining Message Content: The Effects of Source Credibility Production 1972 Hawthorne, James W. The Influence of the Set and Dependence of the Data Collector on the Experimenter Bias Effect 1972 Lothstein, Leslie M. Personal space in assault-prone male adolescent prisoners 1972 Malone, John C., Jr Contrast Effects in Jviaintained Generalization Gradients 1972 Mancusi, Joseph L. Vasomotor Conditioning of Finger Pulse Volume Using Nonpainful Aversive Visual Stimuli 1972 Townsend, Richard E. Human Regional Cerebral Blood Flow During Slow Wave Sleep and Rapid Eye Movement Sleep 1972 Waterbor, Robert D. Experiential Bases of the Sense of Self 1971 Babad, Elisha A Cognitive Analvsis of the "Social Deprivation-Satiation Effect" 1971 Berryhill, Judith The Total Time Hypothesis in an Aged Population 1971 Buehler, J. Nicholas The Physical Luminances in the Stimulus Display and the Phenomenon of Simultaneous Brightness Contrast 1971 Ganung, Cynthia Motivational Determinants of Verbal Learning in Older Women 1971 Gravetter, Frederick Stimulus Range as a Frame of Reference for Judgment 1971 Hammock, Thomas The Effect of Barriers Upon the Attractiveness of Goal Objects 1971 Lomranz, Jacob Variants in Group Sensitivity Training and Encounter 1971 Monahan, John S. Extra-Retinal Compensation for Saccades: Its Magnitude and Timing 1971 Shapiro, Kenneth The Concept of Introversion: Theoretical, Empirical, and Descriptive Considerations 1971 Vance, Terry G. Pretense Behavior and Change: Effects of Responsibilitv and Irresponsibility on Change Following Positive and Negative Discrepant Role-Play 1971 Ward, Lawrence Some Psychophysical Properties of Category Judgments and Magnitude Estimations 1971 Ware, Carolyn B. The Role of Visual Cortex in Successive Discrimination in the Tree Shrew 1971 Wells, David T. Voluntary Control of Heart Rate 1971 Worchel, Stephen The Effect of Simple Frustration, Violated Expectancy, and Reactance on the Instigation to Aggression