Trauma Across the Lifespan: Developmental Contexts and Clinical Implications of Trauma

PSY 404S

This seminar will examine the developmental effects of trauma in childhood/adolescence and cascading effects across the lifespan. The course will use a developmental psychopathology framework, examining normative development and (mal)adaptations following trauma exposure, as well as individual, family, and relationship factors affecting developmental trajectories. Emphasis will be placed on intersections of trauma with race and socioeconomic status (historical trauma and oppression), as well as prevention, assessment, and treatment approaches. Students will gain competency through readings, lectures, discussions, written work, and oral presentations.


Prerequisite: PSY101, PSY204L or CHILDPOL250S, and at least one of PSY102, 103, 104, 105D, 106D, 107

Curriculum Codes
  • SS
Typically Offered
Spring Only