The neuroimmune response as a mediator & consequence of alcohol abuse

November 10, -
Speaker(s): Dr. S. Alex Marshall
The Marshall lab is primarily focused on understanding the neuronal mechanisms that contribute to and result from alcohol abuse. The overarching goal of these pre-clinical studies is to determine novel targets for therapy that can help individuals suffering from an alcohol use disorder. The lab's focus is both on alcohol-induced brain damage and excessive alcohol consumption. They study these aspects of alcohol misuse from a behavioral and neurobiological standpoint. Because alcohol abuse is so pervasive in society, the lab studies the interplay of alcohol with various stages of life, including adolescence, adulthood, and late adulthood

Please contact Tyler Lee for Zoom link access

Duke Institute for Brain Sciences (DIBS)


Center on Addiction and Behavior Change; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences


Lee, Tyler