Nadia Brashier Wins Two Awards for Dissertation

Nadia Brashier Wins Two Awards for Dissertation

P&N graduate student Nadia Brashier wins two big awards for her dissertation---one from the American Psychological Foundation/Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology and one from the American Psychological Association:…/psa/2018/01/dissertation-research.aspx

Brashier's dissertation is titled Heuristics for Truth Across the Lifespan:

Amid concerns about "alternative facts" and "fake news," it can be overwhelming to decide whether the claims we encounter in our daily lives are true. Rather than using time-consuming strategies (e.g., carefully considering whether or not a source is credible), people fall back on heuristics, or rules of thumb. Brashier’s dissertation identifies these “shortcuts” for judging truth and characterizes how their use changes with age.

Brashier is a graduate student at Duke University working primarily with Dr. Elizabeth Marsh.