With less than a week to go until the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, P&N Assistant Professor Sarah Gaither has written an op-ed in vox.com and is also featured in a BBC documentary called "My Mixed Up World."
In the op-ed, "I study biracial identity in America. Here's why Meghan Markle is a big deal," Dr. Gaither reflects on her own experiences growing up biracial in the United States and argues that "slow social acceptance of multiracial identities remains the norm, even though it is at odds with changing US demographics now more than ever."
The BBC World Service documentary "My Mixed Up World" discusses being biracial in the U.K. Gaither, who appears around 42:40 in the documentary, says that the struggles of mixed race children can lead to positive outcomes, with the help of a supportive household.
Read the op-ed in vox.com:
Listen to the BBC podcast:
Read more about Dr. Gaither's research:
Dukes, KN, and Gaither, SE. "Black Racial Stereotypes and Victim Blaming: Implications for Media Coverage and Criminal Proceedings in Cases of Police Violence against Racial and Ethnic Minorities." Journal of Social Issues 73.4 (December 1, 2017): 789-807. Full Text
Gomez, EM, Young, DM, Preston, AG, Wilton, LS, Gaither, SE, and Kaiser, CR. "Loss and loyalty: Change in political and gender identity among Clinton supporters after the 2016 U.S. presidential election." Self and Identity (October 23, 2017): 1-23. Full Text
Gaither, SE, Apfelbaum, EP, Birnbaum, HJ, Babbitt, LG, and Sommers, SR. "Mere Membership in Racially Diverse Groups Reduces Conformity." Social Psychological and Personality Science (May 16, 2017): 194855061770801-194855061770801. Full Text
Gaither, SE, Remedios, JD, Schultz, JR, Maddox, KB, and Sommers, SR. "Examining the Effects of I-Sharing for Future White-Black Interactions." Social Psychology 47.3 (May 2016): 125-135. Full Text
Gaither, SE, Pauker, K, Slepian, ML, and Sommers, SR. "Social Belonging Motivates Categorization of Racially Ambiguous Faces." Social Cognition 34.2 (April 2016): 97-118. Full Text
Gaither, SE, and Dukes, KN. "Young, black, and endangered: Examining the deaths of trayvon martin, michael brown, and tamir rice through a psychological lens." Stereotypes and Stereotyping: Misperceptions, Perspectives and Role of Social Media. January 1, 2016. 83
Gaither, SE, Remedios, JD, Schultz, JR, and Sommers, SR. "Priming White identity elicits stereotype boost for biracial Black-White individuals." Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 18.6 (November 2015): 778-787. Full Text
Gaither, SE, Remedios, JD, Sanchez, DT, and Sommers, SR. "Thinking Outside the Box." Social Psychological and Personality Science 6.5 (July 2015): 596-603. Full Text
Howell, JL, Gaither, SE, and Ratliff, KA. "Caught in the Middle." Social Psychological and Personality Science 6.4 (May 2015): 373-381. Full Text
Gaither, SE. "“Mixed” Results." Current Directions in Psychological Science 24.2 (April 2015): 114-119. Full Text
Gaither, SE, Cohen-Goldberg, AM, Gidney, CL, Maddox, KB, Gidney, CL, and Gidney, CL. "Sounding Black or White: priming identity and biracial speech." Frontiers in psychology 6 (January 2015): 457-. Full Text
Schultz, JR, Gaither, SE, Urry, HL, and Maddox, KB. "Reframing anxiety to encourage interracial interactions." Translational Issues in Psychological Science 1.4 (2015): 392-400. Full Text
Gaither, SE, Wilton, LS, and Young, DM. "Perceiving a Presidency in Black (and White): Four Years Later." Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 14.1 (December 2014): 7-21. Full Text
Gaither, SE, Chen, EE, Corriveau, KH, Harris, PL, Ambady, N, and Sommers, SR. "Monoracial and biracial children: effects of racial identity saliency on social learning and social preferences." Child development 85.6 (November 2014): 2299-2316. Full Text
Chen, JM, Moons, WG, Gaither, SE, Hamilton, DL, and Sherman, JW. "Motivation to control prejudice predicts categorization of multiracials." Personality & social psychology bulletin 40.5 (May 2014): 590-603. Full Text
Gaither, SE, Schultz, JR, Pauker, K, Sommers, SR, Maddox, KB, and Ambady, N. "Essentialist thinking predicts decrements in children's memory for racially ambiguous faces." Developmental psychology 50.2 (February 2014): 482-488. Full Text
Gaither, SE, Sommers, SR, and Ambady, N. "When the half affects the whole: Priming identity for biracial individuals in social interactions." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49.3 (May 2013): 368-371. Full Text
Gaither, SE, and Sommers, SR. "Living with an other-race roommate shapes Whites' behavior in subsequent diverse settings." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49.2 (March 2013): 272-276. Full Text
Gaither, SE, and Sommers, SR. "Honk if you like minorities: Vuvuzela attitudes predict outgroup liking." International Review for the Sociology of Sport 48.1 (February 2013): 54-65. Full Text
Gaither, SE, Pauker, K, and Johnson, SP. "Biracial and monoracial infant own-race face perception: an eye tracking study." Developmental science 15.6 (November 2012): 775-782.