Hispanic Center Mentoring Event at NRCEC

The National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families and The Administration for Children and Families’ National Research Conference on Early Childhood (NRCEC) are pleased to announce a virtual Hispanic Research Mentoring and Networking event.

The Mentoring and Networking event will be held virtually on June 24 from 12:00-1:15 PM ET. The event is designed to facilitate relationships between mentees (students & new professionals) and mentors (senior researchers/leaders in the field) studying Hispanic populations and/or racial and ethnic equity. Mentors and mentees will be assigned to groups based on topical interest and will have ample opportunity to speak with both their peers and the mentors. Discussions will be informal, and topics will include those related to studying Hispanic children and families, equity issues in early childhood research, and career development more broadly.


The NRCEC 2022 features research in early childhood programs, including Head Start, Early Head Start, child care, home visiting, child welfare, special education, pre-kindergarten, early elementary, and other programs serving young children and families. Research presented at NRCEC focuses on low-income families with children birth through age 8, and understudied populations. To learn more about the conference, visit their website here.

Click here to register for the mentoring event.

For questions, please email Sara Appel at sappel@childtrends.org or info@hispanicresearchcenter.org


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  • Professional development
  • Research
  • Summer