Lab Manager Position@ Lehigh University, Little Learners Lab, Bethlehem PA

The Lehigh Little Learners Laboratory (PI: Alexis Smith-Flores) is seeking applications for a full-time lab manager. The lab is interested in how infants and children use emotion to reason about the social and physical world. Through behavioral studies, our lab aims to characterize the role affective cognition plays in development. The lab manager position will involve working closely with the PI and other researchers in the lab, and will have the opportunity to build skills in designing experiments and analyzing, presenting, and publishing data. It is ideal for a recent college graduate interested in gaining research experience before deciding whether to pursue graduate study. This position is for 1 year with the opportunity to extend to 2 years, contingent on performance and mutual fit. The desired start date is August 2025.



The lab manager’s responsibilities will center on research activities including recruiting, scheduling, and testing participants in person and online; creating experimental stimuli; and training and managing undergraduate RAs to collect and code data. In person data collection may occur at local preschools, parks, and museums, in addition to on campus. The position will also involve administrative duties such as maintaining and purchasing lab equipment; maintaining and updating IRB protocols and participant databases; and maintaining the lab website and social media outreach. The lab manager will also organize and attend weekly lab meetings and is encouraged to attend other scientific talks and be a member of the intellectual community at Lehigh University.




  • Applicants must hold Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Psychology, Cognitive Science, and/or a related field by the position start date
  • At least 6 months of experience working in a research setting 
  • At least 6 months of experience working with babies and/or children 
  • General computer skills (i.e., Familiarity with Microsoft Office, Google Drive, and Zoom)
  • Strong organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills
  • The ideal candidate will have managerial experience or show evidence of leading or managing teams of people
  • Behavior coding and relevant software (e.g., DataVyu, Pyhab)
  • Data analysis and statistical software (e.g., R, SPSS, jamovi, JASP, MATLAB)
  • Stimulus creation software (e.g., Blender, Adobe Creative Suite, Python)
  • Candidates with graphic design and/or social media management experience are strongly encouraged to apply. 

Click here for more information and to apply

  • Paid job
  • Post-graduation