Summer Vertical Integration Program (VIP)

The application period for VIP Summer 2024 is now closed. Stay tuned for information regarding the VIP Summer 2025 application.

The Psychology VIP (or Vertical Integration Program) is a summer research program offered by the Department of Psychology & Neuroscience that provides undergraduates with the opportunity to participate in an intensive mentored research experience with a faculty member and graduate student. (Note: Although a faculty mentor is required, a graduate student mentor is not.) In addition to their research, students attend seminars, professional development workshops, and an optional statistics workshop. At this time, we are planning an in-person-only program, and we anticipate that the program will run from May 14th through July 12th.

Rising senior psychology majors who plan to enroll in the Graduation with Distinction program are given top priority for funding, as VIP is designed to help students get their thesis projects underway. Other students (rising juniors, neuroscience majors) may be accepted as space permits. (Neuroscience has its own summer research program—the Summer Neuroscience Program, or SNP.)  Please note that students are allowed to participate in VIP only once during their time at Duke. Students who are offered a spot as a rising junior will not be eligible to apply/take part as a rising senior.

Students will be required to be in residence during at least 7 of the 9 program weeks, including the last week of the program (Monday, July 8th through Friday, July 12th), so they may take part in the presentations and poster session that conclude the program. Students who must be away during any week other than the last week will need clear their plans with their faculty advisor.

VIP Fellows receive a $4000 stipend. During the program, students may be able to work for a limited number of hours on Campus or even external to Duke, but they should receive the approval of, and coordinate their schedule with, their faculty advisor. Housing is not provided, and housing and other living expenses are not covered beyond what is provided by the stipend. 

Students may enroll in one summer session course during either the first or second summer session and still participate in VIP. Students who do this will receive a stipend of $2000 rather than the full $4000. Per University regulations, such students will be paid during the month they are not enrolled in summer session. Students who elect to enroll in a summer session course must receive the approval of their faculty advisor and may not enroll in a class that conflicts with the semi-weekly seminar series, which likely will take place every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:30 p.m. The meeting schedule for the statistics workshop has not yet been determined. Attendance at this workshop is encouraged, but not mandatory.

To be considered for VIP, students must complete this application. The application deadline is Friday, February 23rd,2024, and our goal is to inform applicants of our decisions no later than Friday, March 1st.