Understanding Neural Circuits: Development, Plasticity, & Function

March 17, -
Speaker(s): Eve Marder, PhD, Brandeis University
Dr. Eve Marder, a ground-breaking and award-winning neuroscientist, will discuss, "Understanding Neural Circuits: Development, Plasticity, & Function." Duke faculty Nicole Calakos, Neurobiology; Mike Tadross, Biomedical Engineering, Pratt School for the Environment; and Pelin Volkan, Biology, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences, will also speak during the virtual event. Student poster presentations will take place between 1 & 2 p.m.

Duke Institute for Brain Sciences (DIBS)


Biology; Biomedical Engineering (BME); Department of Neurology; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences; Neurobiology; Psychology and Neuroscience

Understanding Neural Circuits: Development, Plasticity, & Function


Colleen Bauer, DIBS